Shopping and philosophy: Post-modernism is the new black

Foucault had belatedly spotted that post-modernism and “neo-liberal” free-market economics, which had developed entirely independently of each other over the previous half-century, pointed in much the same direction. One talked about sex, art and penal systems, the other about monetary targets. But both sought to “emancipate” the individual from the control of state power or other authorities―one through thought and the other through economic power. Both put restoring individual choice and power at the hearts of their “projects”, as the pomos like to describe their work.


More surprising, perhaps, than the pomos' influence on the way business presents itself was the accuracy of their predictions and the perspicacity of their perceptions. Modern retailers are only just getting to grips with two of the consequences of the breakdown of authority and hierarchy that they hoped for half a century ago: the “fragmentation” of narratives and the individual's ability to be “the artist of his own life”.

そして、まさに権威や階層が衰退した今、世界ではふたつのことが起きている。ひとつは、消費者としての選好がニッチ化し続けていること、もうひとつは、人が自分の意思に基づき人生をデザインするようになったこと(The artist of his own life)。

